Girl, I Loved Your Outfit... Oscars Red Carpet Edition

Girl, I Loved Your Outfit... Oscars Red Carpet Edition

So I have this thing about red carpet recaps. I think it’s totally cool to draw attention to them. They’re great exposure for designers, and they’re generally just good fashion feasts. That being said, I think the idea of making the best dressed list as a goal feels off. Too competitive. So I had wanted to try this idea, that I’m calling “Girl! I love your dress!” It’s not an arbiter of taste. The kind of looks that will make it on here are just the ones where the celebrity wearing it looks amazing, and is clearly feeling great about how she looks. Like, I’d strike up a conversation with her after telling her I love her dress in the bathroom kind of thing. It feels nicer, kinder. 

This is not a comprehensive best dressed list. I’m fact I find those... boring. This is just a list of the people I would go up to at the party and strike up a conversation solely because I loved their outfit. So I thought this year’s Oscars would be a great place to try it out. 

That’s it.